Aggregate 100+ DEX from ETH, OKTC, BSC, SUI etc. chains to provide you with the best crypto swap rates in the market, start decentralized trading from OKX DEX.

Project Description

OKX DEX, a leading swap aggregator, to offer users free trading by connecting with a vast liquidity pool spanning over 20 chains. OKX DEX expertly caters to market demands for cross-chain token transfers, optimizing user outcomes through our cutting-edge split-route algorithm that selects the ideal LP and route to minimize slippage and network fees. The X Routing algorithm ensures accurate quote comparisons by considering LPs across chains, taking into account prices, slippage, and network fees, and pinpointing the optimal trading route. OKX Wallet envisions OKX DEX as a catalyst for bringing substantial TVL into the thriving web3 ecosystem.

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