Sui Name Service

Sui Name Service (SuiNS) is building a open and distributed naming service on the Sui blockchain. SuiNS allows users & companies to represent themselves on Sui utilizing .sui and .move domain names.

Project Description

SuiNS believes in a world where technology should be easy. Where complex technologies that have the power to change lives are used daily without ever knowing. A world where YOU control how the technology works, and we all get to speak in our own languages.

SuiNS is building an experience where users are free from the complexity and drawbacks of blockchain technology. Where you can easily send money without fear of mistakes, interact with your favorite websites without barriers, purchase your favorite coin without being duped, and have the ability to sign-on once without remembering complex passwords or having to switch across chains.

Our first go-to-market products will be the .sui and .move domain names. .Sui domain names allows users to represent their identity on the Sui blockchain while simplifying their wallet address. While the .move domain service allows companies to represent themselves on the Sui blockchain while simplifying resources (like contracts) they own.

SuiNS will usher in a new era of simplicity and safety for blockchain users utilizing the Sui blockchain.

Directory Disclaimer

The information presented herein has been provided by third party projects and is made available solely for general informational purposes. The Sui Foundation does not warrant the accuracy of this information and shall not be be construed as an endorsement or affiliation with the Sui Foundation. More Info

About Sui Directory

The Sui Directory is the home for projects being built on Sui, as submitted by the builders themselves. It is an opportunity for developers to share their work and for the community to explore what exists. Anyone with an active app, product, or service can submit their information for publication in the directory.

Inclusion in the directory does not indicate any affiliation with or endorsement by Sui. Project profiles are for informational purposes only.

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